Popular Guitar Method in Tablature Book 1

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The play-along audio files and the PDF version of this book are available for free download.

Dear Guitarist,

This method consists out of three books and is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to play the (popular) guitar or improve their playing techniques. It doesn’t matter whether you have an electric, acoustic steel-string, or classical acoustic nylon-stringed guitar, although an electric guitar is recommended for some exercises.

Another important aspect of this method is its primary use of tablature and chord symbols, making it much easier for guitarists to read.

Book 1 is mainly about; basic chord changes, strumming and picking techniques, and rhythm development. This book focuses more on harmony.

Book 2 is mainly about; basic scales, right- and left-hand techniques, and rhythm development. This book emphasizes melody.

Book 3 is mainly about; progressive scales, chords, and rhythm development.

Additionally, I recommend exploring the music of your favorite musicians and bands. There are thousands of legally available, high-quality downloadable tabs and YouTube videos on the internet, and you can find information on any theoretical subject related to music theory. Therefore, my focus has primarily been on enjoyable and playable exercises with play-along audio files.

By completing all three books, you will become an advanced guitar player, having mastered fundamental techniques for both your right and left hand. You will also have built a basic knowledge of musical theory. Most importantly, you will have developed a musical mindset with a sense of melody, harmony, rhythm, and style.

I hope this will help you explore your creative mind, and that creativity doesn’t have to be limited to music.

Vincent Vaneker